Mobile App Development

Whether you need to increase productivity or have an idea for a fun game, we are here to service your needs.

Privacy Policy

Last updated 7/13/2023

BRANDREW APP DEVELOPERS LLC recognizes the importance of maintaining the privacy of personal information about our users.  As used in this privacy policy, personal information means information about an individual that is collected or maintained for business purposes and by which the individual can be identified.  Please note that information by which an individual cannot be identified (for example, anonymous, de-identified, or aggregate information) is not considered personal information and therefore is not subject to this policy.

User-Provided Information 

We may collect user-provided information such as name and email.  Your email is only used to improve our service to you or to respond to your inquiries. We do not share your email with any outside organizations.

What We Collect and Store Automatically 

Our apps collect and store certain information automatically. This information is anonymized and does not identify you personally.  We automatically collect and store only the following information:

· the IP address of your mobile device

· application debugging and crash data

· information about your mobile device—including the type of device, the operating system running on it, and internet browser(s) used (if any);

· the date and time you access the application; and

· information about the way you use the application, such as which sections of the application you visit.

We use the information we collect to count the number and type of users of the application to help us make it more useful to users like you.

Our apps may use third-party services that may collect information used to identify you.  Links to the privacy policy of third-party service providers used by the app:

·        Google Play Services

·        AdMob

How We Protect Information About You

We implement and maintain physical, administrative, technical and organizational measures designed to protect personal information and we regularly adapt these controls to respond to changing requirements and advances in technology.

We restrict access to personal information to those who require it to develop, support, offer and deliver products and services to you and to operate our business.

Links to Other Sites

Our application may have links to our partners. When you click one of these partner links, you are no longer viewing content from BRANDREW APP DEVELOPERS LLC and are subject to the privacy policy of the new site.

Children’s Privacy

Our apps do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under 13 years of age.  Any personal information from children under 13 will be immediately deleted from our servers.  If you are a parent or guardian and you are aware that your child has provided us with personal information, please contact us so we can take necessary actions.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy, please contact us at